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Free Texas Holdem February 12, 2009

Filed under: Free Texas Holdem and Poker — francisraj @ 6:01 am

Free Online Texas Hold em Poker

Play all-in with No Limit Texas Hold’em, the free online poker game. It’s real no limit “tournament-style” poker with high token bets and multi-showdown sidepots. Just pull up a chair, call a bluff and force the competition to fold. He’s the winner takes all in tournament games like No Limit Texas Hold’em!

Game like texas holdem poker from your computer on the internet is fairly new still and its going on, in comparison with the game itself. It’s popularity is a testament to the fact that it has much to offer that regular cardrooms can’t. This kind of the features online poker room offer include playing for fun, small limits, more hands per hour, comfort, tournaments, convenience and anonymity. Playing Poker For Fun and Free: First thing is, you won’t find many casinos or brick and mortar cardrooms that allow you to play for fun. This is one feature that online cardrooms have in their favor. You can actually get a feel for the game before you risk any real money. One warning though is that since you aren’t wagering anything, the games are technically correct rule wise but they aren’t a good representation of a real poker game; people play far looser, more wild, when playing for free. Obviously! 🙂

Like Small Limit Texas Holdem: Features of online poker sites have their court is a step up from the free games: micro limits. You can try and play a number of poker sites on the internet at limits as low as .10/20 cents! Compare it with the usual lowest limit you find in a typical casino ($2/4) and you won’t have any risk as much money up front to learn the game.

More And More Hands Per Hour: In the next strength of online cardrooms is the fact that you get more hands per hour then you would in a regular casino since the dealer doesn’t have to deal any cards and people don’t have to be constantly reminded it is their turn. I think it is roughly double the speed. More hands means more opportunities to outplay your opponents and make more money.

Comfort And Convenience: Comfort is just the next strength of online texas holdem poker. It’s much more relaxing to sit at your home, in your own chair and play then it is to sit in a casino. Convenience is another reason why playing at home often is a good option. Driving to the casino, waiting on the board to sit down and driving back can take away time that you would have been able to make some money with had you played online at home. Games are available 24/7 and you rarely have to wait more then a few minutes to find a seat. This also allows you to squeeze in short sessions unlike playing in a casino where you usually sit there for the good portion of the day.

Online Freeroll and Regular Holdem Tournaments: Online poker allows you to find texas holdem tournaments all day, every day. That isn’t true of regular cardrooms where you usually only find a poker tourny a few times a week. The limits are usually smaller then that of the cardroom variety but the availability makes up for it. If you are interested in learning how to pay tournament texas holdem then online is a great place to start. Look at Chris Moneymaker, who won the 2003 No Limit Texas Holdem Championship at Binions Casino. He was a player who started at online sites.

Anonymity/Lack of Embarrassment: Last strength of online cardrooms for playing texas holdem poker is that you don’t have to actually see anyone and they don’t have to see you. If you make some mistakes, the embarrassment isn’t half of what it is when you play in real life. The flip side though is that the winning plays, stacking your chips, and sitting in back of a mountain of chips doesn’t feel half as good online! There is just something about seeing all those chips in front of you that a number can’t represent. You might assume that since people can play anonymously that the poker games would be looser then that of regular casinos. I’ve found the opposite of that to be true I’ll go into more detail in the stregths of live action texas holdem poker.

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Texas Holdem Strategy January 6, 2009

Texas Hold’em Strategy for Low Limit Games

There are lot’s of advice for
Texas holdem online is geared towards no-limit players. AlmostEven the advice for fixed-limit players is often tailored to middle to high stakes games, where the players have some understanding of the Texas Holdem odds and the appropriate times to bet, call or raise. However, a great many Texas holdem games, both live and online, take place at low limits, $3/$6 or below, where players are less likely to regard the value of their money and many more players are seeing flops, turns and rivers.

What to Expect from Low Limit Texas Hold’em Games

A main thing to expect from low-limit Texas hold’em games is a lot of chasing with all sorts of poker hands. In a $1 and $2 game, many players will figure it is worth $1 or $2 to see if they can get lucky. Furthermore, it is often worth it to chase if you get any piece of the flop, assuming that you will win if you get the card you’re fishing for. What this means to you is a lot of frustrating bad beats. Your pocket aces will have a hard time holding up unimproved. If you hit a straight with two hearts on the board, someone will hang around to catch that third heart to beat you.

How to Handle These Types of Texas Hold’em Games

You should still always try to make the mathematically correct play. Even though you will experience more bad beats, the long-term expectation is the same. Don’t allow your emotions to get you to make the same bad plays everyone else is making. If you do, the game will become pure luck.

Texas Hold’em Rules: Tournaments

Some times if you play
Texas Holdem, you probably know the rules of the game. However, if you’ve only played cash games, you may not be quite clear on how tournaments work. Tournament poker can be a lot of fun for Texas hold’em players, and there are only a few things that differentiate it from a cash game. In all poker sites offer tournaments, so you won’t have any trouble finding one to play in.

Tournament Texas Hold’em Rules

Chip Counts:

In Texas Holdem Rules, poker tournaments, everyone gets the same number of chips to start. This number can be the same as the buy-in or a different pre-determined amount. When a player runs out of chips, he is eliminated from the tournament. He cannot buy back into the game. The exception to this is a rebuy tournament, where players can buy a pre-determined number of chips for an extra fee, usually for the first hour of the tournament.


This is probably the most important distinction between tournaments and cash games. In tournaments, blinds go up. If not, tournaments might never end, as players could sit back and hoard large stacks of chips. Since the blinds rise every round, players need to get into action, and eventually one player will end up with all the chips.

Payout Structure

In the early days of tournaments, only the player who ended up with all the chips won any money, which was not very appealing to everyone else. Now, tournaments have a graded payout structure, where the winner gets the bulk of the prize pool, the second place player gets a bit less, and so on down the line, for the top ten percent or so of the competitors.


Texas Holdem Poker Odds Calculator January 2, 2009

Texas Calculatem Holdem Odds Calculator

Calculating texas holdem odds is very easy, as we will explain how to do it below, but then if you need any expert help we recommend a texas holdem odds calculator from Texas Calculatem. The advanced poker software breaks down every possible Holdem scenario and instantly delivers your exact texas holdem odds of winning as you play. With the help of the Texas Calculatem odds calculator you will know exactly where you stand and what the odds of success are, at every step in every hand.

Way to calculate Texas Holdem odds

Its mentioned above, all gambling is based on odds. The odds of a horse winning a race are 10-to-1 against, you win ten times your bet if the horse you’re betting on wins the race. If the horse wins just once for every ten times it loses, you break even. It wins more often we should win and if it wins less often we should come out behind. The most bets, like a horse race, you do not get the opportunity for repeated trials, so you either have to be lucky enough to have placed your bet the one time out of eleven that the horse wins, or you need to continually make bets where the odds of hitting are shorter than the odds you are getting paid off at.

Pot Odds in Texas Hold’em

Pot odds in Texas Hold’em work exactly the same way. If the bet is $1 to you and there is $5 in the pot, you are getting 5-to-1 pot odds. Just as in the horse race, you need to win that pot once for every five times you lose it to break even. If you’ll win the pot more often, you have positive expected value or +EV. If you’ll win it less often, you have a negative expected value play (-EV).

Calculating Pot Odds in Poker

Usually, the bet will be more than $1 to you. Simply reduce the ratio by dividing the size of the pot by the size of the bet to you. For example if there is a $10 bet to you and you have a chance to win a $50 pot, divide 50 by 10 to reach 5-to-1 pot odds. If the pot is $97 and the bet is $25 to you, you are getting about 4-to-1; these calculations do not need to be exact (it’s 3.88-to-1 exactly, but this precision is not worth the distraction during an in-game situation).

Using Pot Odds in Poker Games

Once you know how to calculate pot odds, you’ll know whether you should call a bet by knowing your odds of winning the hand, also known as poker odds. This can be established by calculating the ratio of cards remaining to cards that will give you the win.

Poker odds most often come into play when you are on a drawing hand. You’ll want to know if the odds the pot is offering you are better than your actual odds of hitting your hand. To calculate your odds of making your hand, simply count the number of cards that you can consider to be “outs,” cards that will complete your hand, and compare them to the number of cards that remain. For example, let’s say you hold AK on a board of 3 9 5 8 and you are convinced your opponent has top pair. This means that any ace or king should give you the pot. This gives you six outs, for the three remaining aces and three remaining kings. Since you know your two cards and the four on the board, there are 46 cards you have not seen, 52 minus six. Out of those 46, six give you the win and 40 do not. This is an odds ratio of 40-to-6, which reduces to about 6.5-to-1. This means you need better than 6.5-to-1 pot odds to continue.

Although these are rough calculations, they still may be difficult to make in a game. For this reason, you should have certain poker odds committed to memory. The most important ones are as follows:

Your odds of flopping a set from a pocket pair are about 8-to-1.

Your odds of making a flush on the next card if you flop a four flush are about 4-to-1, if you get to see both cards it is closer to 2-to-1.

Your odds of making a straight on the next card if you are open-ended are around 5-to-1.

If you have four outs with one card to come you are roughly 11-to-1, two outs and you are around 22-to-1, one out and you are 45-to-1. (That one is easy. There are 46 cards in the deck and only one of them helps you, the other 45 do not.)

In a no limit game, you’ll also know how much to bet so that opponents aren’t getting the right odds to call to try to hit a draw (a pot-sized bet or greater will usually do the trick if you’re not sure).

A free poker calculator software will help you at the online poker table.It is very helpful for new poker player.learn more about the number of uses you can have with a poker odds calculator – it’s not only poker odds calculations.

Ways to Use a Free Poker Calculator

A free online poker software is a program built into certain websites that help you determine the probability of certain hands winning a poker matchup. Simply input all the hands for each player and any board cards that you wish to include, then click calculate. The program will instantly tell you each player’s poker odds of winning the hand. There are a number of uses for this poker software.

Win Bets with Friends

If you have a dispute with your friends over the strength of hands, a free poker calculator can end them quickly. For example, suppose your friend is convinced that pocket deuces is a favorite over jack ten suited, but you are sure he’s wrong. A quick trip to the free poker odds calculator will show that the JT suited is a 53 percent favorite, winning you the argument.

Analyze A Session

It’s important after each tournament or session to analyze your game for possible leaks in your play. Chalking up your performance, good or bad, entirely to luck will make it difficult to improve. The texas holdem odds calculator can tell you if certain plays you made were positive expectation, informing you on how to handle such situations in the future.

Build Your Knowledge Base

Doyle Brunson famously learned poker hand odds by spending hours dealing out hands and recording the results. Fortunately, in the modern age, you don’t need to. Think of a hand matchup, put it in the poker calculator and find out the results. When the matchup arises in a game, you’ll be ready.


New Beginner’s September 12, 2008

Filed under: New Beginner's — francisraj @ 10:55 am
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Introduction on texas holdem

So you’re new to Texas Holdem poker? Not an issue. Texas Holdem poker is by far the best game for a beginner to learn, as it is very easy to understand. Instead of other poker games like Omaha High or 7 card stud which entail a great many more possibilities for calculating odds and perhaps even trying to count cards, Texas Holdem can be learned in a few minutes by anyone, and you can be playing fairly well with a few hours practice at any time. In order to learn the game, however, you must play and you must play fairly often.

One poker room, Pacific Poker, offers a wide variety of play money tables for beginners to practice their skills until they’re ready to move up to the game at real money tables. Master’s recommend this card room to new players, as this site is one of the fastest growing new cardrooms (and full of other new players!)

Guide to Texas Hold’em is not an introduction to the basic rules of Texas Hold’em. To find detailed information on how Texas Hold’em is played. This guide is focused on helping you understand the game better and give you some tips on how to become a better Texas Hold’em player. We hope you’ll find it intriguing.

A Texas Hold’em poker game goes as follows:

  1. The betting structure can vary. Sometimes antes are used, but most games start with two players to the left of the dealer placing out a predetermined amount of money so there is an initial amount to get things started. This is called posting the blinds.

  2. The dealer shuffles up a standard deck of 52 playing cards.

  3. Each player is dealt two cards face down. These are called your hole or pocket cards.

  4. Then there is a round of betting starting with the guy to the left of the two who posted the blinds. This round is usually referred to by the term pre-flop

  5. The amount a player can bet depends on what kind of game it is.
  1. Much like most games of poker, players can call, raise, or fold.

  2. After the betting round ends, the dealer discards the top card of the deck. This is called a burn card. This is done to prevent cheating.

  3. The dealer then flips the next three cards face up on the table. These cards are called the flop. These are communal cards that anyone can use in combination with their two pocket cards to form a poker hand.

  4. There is another round of betting starting with the player to the left of the dealer.

  5. After the betting concludes, the dealer burns another card and flips one more onto the table. This is called the turn card. Players can use this sixth card now to form a five card poker hand.

  6. The player to the left of the dealer begins another round of betting. In many types of games, this is where the bet size doubles.

  7. Finally, the dealer burns a card and places a final card face up on the table. This is called the river. Players can now use any of the five cards on the table or the two cards in their pocket to form a five card poker hand.

  8. There is one final round of betting starting with the player to the left of the dealer.

  9. After that, all of the players remaining in the game begin to reveal their hands. This begins with the player to the left of the last player to call. It’s called the showdown. Players use a combination of their pocket cards and the community cards to form a poker hand. For more about that, go to our forming a five card hand page.
  10. The player who shows the best hand wins! There are cases where players with equal hands share the winnings. Go to our page about split pots for more info about who wins.

Once you understand this basic structure of the it, you can play texas holdem and even some of the many texas holdem variants out there. Texas Holdem is an easy game to learn, just difficult to master. The “mastering” part is the costly part, especially in the traditional setting of a casino poker room. Now you can practice boldly, all you want for free in online poker rooms.

The only way to learn the game is to play. Check out PacificPoker to get a feel for the action. Play all you want for free, and start playing for real money as soon as you feel ready. They have both low limits for newer players as well as high stakes tables.

Casino tips and tools, the guide to the best gambling odds online and review of the highest payouts and free bonus promotions.


Texas Holdem Poker Hand

Filed under: Texas Holdem Poker Hands — francisraj @ 10:34 am
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Hands in Texas Holdem

Mostly in texas holdem poker, players compare five card hands against each other to determine who wins. A player with a flush has a better hand than a player with a straight, as in for example. The following list is from best to worst, so any hand on the list beats any hand below it and loses to any hand above it.
(Very simple ☺)

1) Royal Flush – An Ace-High straight of one suit.

2) Straight Flush – A straight of entirely one suit.

3) Four-of-a-Kind (Quads) – Four cards of the same rank.

4) Full House (Full Boat, Boat) – Three-of-a-kind and a pair. The example below would be called “Queens over Aces” or “Queens full of Aces”.

5) Flush – Five cards of the same suit.

6) Straight (Run) – Five cards of sequential rank. Note that in holdem, Aces can be high or low.

7) An example of a straight where the Ace is low

8) Three-of-a-Kind (Trips, Set) – Three cards of the same rank.

9) Two Pair – Two cards of the same rank and another two cards of the same rank. The example below would be called “Jacks and Twos”.

10) One Pair – Two cards of the same rank.

11) High Card – When you don’t have any of the above, your highest card determines your hand. The example below would be “King High” or “High card King”.

►►  Great poker, players construct hands of five cards according to predetermined rules, which vary according to the precise variant of poker being played in poker. These kinds of hands are compared using a standard ranking system, and the player with the highest-ranking hand wins in that particular deal. Although used primarily in poker, these hand rankings are also used in Various card games, and with poker dice.

These strength of hand is increased by having multiple cards of the same rank, these card being from the same suit, or having all the cards with consecutive values. A position of the various possible hands is based on the probability of being randomly dealt such a hand from a well-shuffled deck.

General rules

These following general rules apply to evaluating your poker hands, whatever set of hand values are used.

  • The individual cards are ranked A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A. Aces only appear low when part of an A-2-3-4-5 straight or straight flush. Individual card ranks are used to compare hands that contain no pairs or other special combinations, or to compare the kickers of otherwise equal hands. The ace plays low only in ace-to-five and ace-to-six lowball games, and plays high only in deuce-to-seven lowball.
  • Suits have no value. An suits of the cards are mainly used in determining whether a hand fits a certain category (specifically the flush and straight flush hands). In most variants, if two players have hands that are identical except for suit, then they are tied and split the pot (so 3♠4♠5♠6♠7♠ does not beat 3♦4♦5♦6♦7♦). Sometimes a ranking called high card by suit is used for randomly selecting a player to deal. Low card by suit usually determines the bring-in bettor in stud games.
  • The hand always consists of five cards. As games where more than five cards are available to each player, the best five-card combination of those cards plays.
  • All hands are ranked first by category, then by individual card ranks: even the lowest qualifying hand in a certain category defeats all hands in all lower categories. The smallest two pair hand (2♦2♠3♦3♣4♠), for example, defeats all hands with just one pair or high card. Only between two hands in the same category are card ranks used to break ties.

Texas Holdem Rules

Texas Holdem Rules

Unfortunately, there is no universal set of rules for texas hold em poker. If you just want to know how the game works, check out our Beginner’s Intro. Many individual rules are standard but a sea of nebulous calls still need to be made. In our opinion, the most reliable source for rules questions is and will always be the rules provided by the Tournament Directors Association. The TDA is a group that meets exclusively to expand and update the rules for poker. Here’s a verbatim copy of what they presented to every player in the 2004 World Series of Poker.

Another wonderful source is Robert’s Rules of Poker. Robert is actually Bob Ciaffone, a columnist for CardPlayer, and an all-around powerful games player. He has devoted his knowledge and expertise to create one of the most thorough sets of poker rules in existence. Mr. Ciaffone has our gratitude for this great tool and also for allowing it to be reproduced by others (like us!) for the betterment of poker.

Of course, this list won’t cover every possible scenario when it comes to holdem. The TDA and Robert’s Rules are meant to cover a variety of poker games, from razz to stud. We here at TexasHoldem-Poker.com are attempting to create a rules set specifically for texas hold’em. Here’s what we’ve come up with so far.


How Play Texas Holdem Poker September 8, 2008

Filed under: About texas holdem — francisraj @ 11:37 am
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Here is the most extensive way to learn Texas Holdem. We have an excellent question and answer section for new player who wants to learn, so if you have a question or want basic knowledge how to play Texas Hold’em Poker, don’t hesitate to read this blog thoroughly…..


This is not that complicated to become a winner. Mostly online texas holdem players have knowledge about the basic winning strategy like hand strength, position play and bankroll management.